Monday, July 28, 2008

The Return Trip Begins

Today was to be the team's last day in the village of Nyangezi. I haven't heard from Brad since Saturday, but he was expecting to leave sometime tomorrow to travel back to Bukavu. I am hoping to hear from him when he gets there. I would imagine that leaving the village will feel a bit like leaving a few drops in a huge bucket of need, but I am sure that the blessing that God brought to those people through the team will not quickly be forgotten and it will continue to bring forth fruit even long after those that went are home again. And I for one am ready to have my husband back again! Carolyn has been asking for him more and more the past few days. I think she really misses him, too.

Due to the mass family gathering last week in honor of my Granny, I really haven't been alone at all since Brad left- until today! I find myself missing him more and feeling a bit more on a higher anxiety level today. Pray for me, that I would find peace in knowing that the God who sent Brad out to minister to these people will be faithful to our family, and pray for Brad and the team, that they would have supernatural coverage for their entire return journey and be fully protected and safe at every moment- even the ones that scare me with pictures of overturned buses rolling down mountainsides! Every single one of their flights was late on the way out to Africa- they are on a much tighter schedule time-wise on the way home, so it will be much more important for things to be running on time- so pray for that, too!

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