Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In the Congo!

I got a call from Brad today saying that they made it to Bukavu- they are officially within the borders of the Congo!! He says it's a really different place from what they saw in Kigali- in the three minutes we had to talk, he described it as "poor, and smoky." He said that the drive there was "actually really fun," but told me I wouldn't have liked it. I am not going to let my imagination roam too freely about this comment because one of my chief fears about him going on this trip was that the bus carrying them to Bukavu would roll off a mountain somewhere- my own limited experience with drivers in foreign countries leaves me with a few cold-sweat type memories! But he said he never felt unsafe and he's having a good time. I have to admit, some small party of me is a little jealous because this is a grand adventure- quite apart from doing the Lord's work out there, it has to be pretty cool to get to see this other part of the world- to expand your horizons beyond our limited experience here in the abundantly blessed USA. But for now I think I have my hands full chasing my toddler and housing a growing miracle inside me- and that, too, is the Lord's work for me right now, and a great adventure in its own right.

Brad said to tell you all that everyone on the team is in good spirits, but all are tired- keep lifting them up in prayer because tomorrow is when the trip really "starts!" They will travel a few hours (I think that's how long it's supposed to take?) to the small village of Nyengezi tomorrow where they will begin working at the clinic. Brad said that there will be a big party with a bunch of government officials and the press to celebrate the official dedication of the clinic- and no doubt so many white people arriving with all the stuff they brought for the clinic has to make some sort of a sensation as well. :) I know they are all excited to get there and begin actually DOING what they set forth to do!

I hope to speak with Brad again tomorrow night and hear about what the place looks like and see what ideas he has for how he will proceed medically. Keep him especially in your prayers as a doctor- that God would give him great wisdom to discern what CAN be done in a place where the need is likely to be so staggering that it will be difficult to know where to start. Pray for his skills, that God would guide his hands and be the Great Physician standing behind him, helping him to know what to do and how to bring healing to a hurting people. He has gone with a humble heart and skilled, willing hands- we know that God will faithfully bring forth the fruit.

1 comment:

KjP said...

Responding to both blogs here...
I'm glad to hear that Brad is able to contact you - I'd go crazy if I didn't know what was happening! I wish you safe and tantrum-free travels as you head to Texas to celebrate your Granny. Also, I was impressed with the ultrasound pictures - they're incredible! (Looks like a boy...?)